Ps Patrick delivering his closing speech at Goodenough Island October 2023, after 2 weeks Jolly Phonics teacher training.

Ps Patrick outlines the history and future developments of DTS to 800+ delegates at the NCMI Conference, Port Moresby March 2023.

October 2023 – Pastor Patrick Bing and Official Jolly Learning trainer Annette Blackett setting sail across the open ocean for 7-hours in a ‘banana boat’ to Goodenough Island. 80+ DTS teachers upskilled in Jolly Phonics & Jolly Grammar 1.
Dave & Annette Blackett meet members of the Greater Heights New Covenant Ministries International team in East New Britain.
January 2023 – Annette working side-by-side with the dedicated DTS teachers on small group tasks during Jolly Learning teacher training at Napapar, East New Britain.

A heartfelt testimonial from Stephanie Valpali, dedicated DTS East New Britain teacher, outlining the effects that Jolly Learning is having in Destiny Transformation Schools, nationwide.

January 2023 – Jolly Learning teacher training of 180+ DTS teachers in Napapar, East New Britain. Jolly Phonics & Jolly Grammar 1, 2 & 3.
February 2023 – Momase Region Jolly Learning teacher training begins in this humble, tranquil setting. 18 dedicated DTS teachers upskilled with Jolly Phonics & Jolly Grammar 1 & 2.